Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Ted always had a story to tell...

Hey Neal

My deepest sympathy to Ted's family as well as his friends. He will be missed dearly. I worked at Cajun Harley-Davidson for years as the bookkeeper/title clerk/secretary. I was always busy, but when Ted walked in the door it was time for a story. All work stopped while he was there.

I had an office right by the restroom which was always his second stop because Ted always took the time to come in and say hello first. I don't ride nor have I ever. I was Harley by association. But to Ted I was no different. He would get a soda and stand at my filing cabinets and tell us some of the wildest stories of his travels. Hell even his day to day life was interesting. If he didn't make you smile or down right laugh out loud then you weren't really paying attention
to what he had to say.

He was a great guy. I'm proud to say I knew Ted Backer. I know he's up there standing around telling someone about something. I just hope they're smart enough to listen. And Neal, thanks for the blog. It's nice to read other stories about Ted that I may have missed.


Vickie Mitchell

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